Hoiame Sinu ettevõtte personalitöö ja - juhtimise vajalikul tasemel seni, kuni personalijuht on ajutiselt eemal.
Aitame Sul leida sobilikke inimesi ja võtame enda kanda kogu värbamisprotsessiga seotud temaatika. Õige inimese lõppvalik jääb kliendile!
Aitame luua eeldused toimivateks töösuheteks, seda nii praktilisest kui õiguslikust vaatest.
HR Managment Consultations
We help to design a culture in organisations, which promotes meaningful actions, the joy of work of the employees and the professional management of the organisation. Our services cover the whole working cycle of an employee from the settlement programme until the termination of the employment relationship.
Legal assistance primarily in the field of labour law. We will help the customer to establish the valid legal framework and their possibilities for actions. We represent the interests of the customer.
We consult our customers in matters related to data processing and protection. We support the implementation of data protection in the daily operations of the organisation.
occupational health and safety consultations
We offer the occupational health and safety audits and consultations and prepare the necessary documents. We offer the full service package of a working environment specialist.
Can we help you?
Contact us and we'll find the best solution for you!